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Expedia - Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get an Expedia promo code?
Get an Expedia promo code entitling you to $30 off your next hotel stay when you refer a friend to Expedia. Also, check the “Deals" page for coupons and discounts on flights around the world.
Can I cancel my flight through Expedia?
Yes, simply visit My Trips, select the cancel option, and then follow the instructions. If you need assistance, you can chat with an Expedia Virtual Agent. Flights canceled more than 24 hours after booking may result in cancellation fees, so check your itinerary to determine the airline’s policy.
Do I have to pay upfront when booking a hotel reservation?
In short, it depends. Use the Book Now and Pay Later feature to select hotels with no cancellation fees. Otherwise, you may need to check your hotel’s specific policy to avoid paying until you arrive.
How do I change my Expedia vacation package?
Contact an Expedia Virtual Agent or call toll-free at 1-866-316-0357 to make changes to your vacation package. Packages booked within 24 hours will not be subject to fees. Any changes made after 24 hours may result in fees from your airline, hotel, or car rental service.
Why haven’t I received my refund yet?
Expedia usually processes refunds within 24 hours, but it may take the airline up to 12 weeks to process the refund on their end. Banks can also take up to seven days to post the money to your account.
Does Expedia have hidden fees?
Yes, Expedia does have hidden fees when booking your flight or hotel stay. If available, always read the fine print for the extra costs when booking through the company.
How do I apply my Expedia promo code?
- Go to the Expedia website and choose your hotel or package.
- Proceed to checkout.
- Under “Price details," click “Use a coupon, credit, or promotion code."
- In the provided field, enter your Expedia promo code.
- Select “Apply Voucher" and review your updated order total.
- Finish checking out.
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