About Savings.com and How We Source Coupons
Sourcing, testing and verifying coupons and deals since 2007!
Our mission here at Savings.com is simple: to help you save money every day on the stuff you’re buying anyway! By partnering with the world’s biggest brands, we’re like the virtual deal-broker for all of your favorite stores. We have saved shoppers more than $10 billion since 2007, but saving you money is not all we do.
Our deal-hunting experts work around the clock to verify that every online coupon and promo code works, so you won’t have to. Everything we do is geared toward simplifying your experience and taking the hassle out of your online retail adventures – delivering the deepest discounts on your orders at your favorite stores. Savings.com’s got the tools you need to land the biggest bargains every time.
So don’t miss out on the savings; stop here before your next purchase.
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How Savings.com Works
We keep it simple when it comes to saving money.
No more endless scrolling and aimless searches – take control of your deal-hunting journey and save money at your favorite stores! Here’s how we help you save:
- Verified coupons and discounts. Our team verifies over 40,000 deals and coupon codes per week! We list when deals are ending, how often they’ve been used, and when each deal was last verified so you’ve always got the most current deals out there.
- Over 3,900+ brands. We partner with some of the biggest brands, like Macy’s, Verizon, Home Depot, Old Navy, and more. Shoppers will often come across exclusive coupons that no other competitors offer.
- Savvy shopping tips. Through our blog, our team of money-saving shoppers provides timely, ahead-of-the-curve articles and roundups to help find what you’re looking for.