Kimberly Meza
Fashion & Beauty Deals Expert
- 1year
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- 16days
As a Savings.com Deal Expert
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$0.00Kimberly Meza is a fashion, beauty, and shopping trend expert writer for Savvy. She has written and edited for publications in the food health, wellness, and holistic industries, such as Reality Sandwich, Ketamine Wellness Centers, and the Minimalist Baker. On top of being a writer, Kimberly loves to create her own abstract art and write poetry on the beach. Some of her favorite things to do outside of her creative work include: playing competitive beach volleyball, basking in the Southern California sun, long-distance running, spending quality time with loved ones, and showing off her funky dance moves at parties.
Being spontaneous, passionate, and curious has inspired Kimberly to become a digital nomad and travel the world as a writer. Her drive comes solely from new experiences, culture, community, and the arts. A few simple things that make Kimberly smile are the smell of burnt matches, the pastel sky right after the sun sets, ponderosa pine trees, deep conversations, and a nice glass of cabernet wine.
Kimberly absolutely loves being a writer for Savvy because she is able to do what she loves while helping people save on amazing high-quality items. Beauty, fashion, and wellness have always been a topic Kimberly loves diving into, and what better way to do that than being a shopping trend expert writer and helping others find cost-effective ways to save.
Kimberly’s Budget-Friendly Hacks
Helping people save as a Savvy Expert Writer comes easy for Kim as she's always hunted for the best deals in shopping for herself. A few great finance tools Kim has incorporated into her life is budgeting, long-term saving, and shopping for the best deals. Just like her first childhood piggy bank, Kim puts aside a dollar a day to save for emergencies or future investments. You’d be surprised how much one could save in a year! Kim has also been a bargain shopper most of her life — finding luxurious items at thrift stores, or off-price retailers, is her form of therapy.
Fun Fact About Kimberly
Fun fact: I’ve never in my life been a runner, but six months ago, I decided to sign up for a marathon, and here I am proving to myself that I am, in fact, a runner. It's been such a challenging yet beautiful experience. There is so much to learn in discomfort and perseverance. Not only has this process changed the way I think, it's helped in many other areas of my life. For whoever is on the brink of signing up for a marathon, I’d say DO IT.